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Uploading Data

Datasets and collections can be created in the app. You can also upload raw files.

Creating datasets in the portal Let's click "My Data" in the top navbar.

Your data collections

Here we can see the data collections we have made ourselves.

To create a new collection just click "Add new" and fill out the fields.


Keywords are labels you can add to collections and datasets. They are helpful to categorize resources, and give insight at a glance. After typing in a keyword, hit enter to add it to the list.

Creating a new data collection

Create Raw dataset

Let's create the simplest form of a dataset.

Open the collection you created and follow the next steps.

Click Add Dataset

Do the same as when creating a tabular dataset, but set "type" to files this time.

Set type to "Files" to make a raw dataset.

Uploading data to raw is only a matter of selecting the file on your computer.

And here I have uploaded a CSV file from my computer.


Any file can be uploaded, satellite imagery, zip files, shapefiles.

Create Tabular dataset

Let's create a tabular dataset in our collection.

CSV files

CSV files are tabular data, containing rows of data in columns.

The CSV file opened in a text editor.

The CSV file contains 10 rows of data, the first row defines the name of the columns.

Here i've uploaded my csv file with my ocean data.

Newly made tabular dataset overview

Schema has not been created yet

For the platform to understand what to do with the different columns, we create a schema. A schema explains what type of data is in each column.

By looking at the csv file, it can see the columns that are defined in the csv file.

Defining a schema

Latitude and longitude are geographic so let's add them both as "Geometry"

Selecting type for column "latitude"

Name and species are just short strings, so let's add them.

This looks good, let's add the schema.

All columns are defined

Now that the schema is defined, we can upload it by clicking "Upload File"

Schema defined, ready for upload

Creating datasets and uploading data with the SDK.

We have examples for ingesting raw and tabular data in the SDK repository.

Next up is an introduction to our workspaces...