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What are observables?

Observables are something that can be "observed" from a dataset. The definition of an observable is deliberately vague in order to allow for multiple use-cases. Typically, observables refer to dataset aggregates such as what values are represented, data health, etc. More advanced use-cases are also supported such as timeliness.

What value does observables bring?

Observables are primarily created to aid with search. Basically providing up-to-date metrics so that users may find datasets relevant to geography, values, etc.

Supported observables

AttributeObservable Abstract Base Class for observables relating to a specific attribute

StaticObservable Abstract Base Class for observables that are manually maintained

StaticCoverage 1D coverage of a specific attribute, i.e. min/max-values of an attribute (column, etc)

StaticGeometricCoverage Geometric coverage, i.e. bounding box or convex hull covering all datapoints in a dataset

How to work with observables

Interacting with observables are demonstrated in our SDK examples.