SDK Quickstart

Install the SDK using pip:

pip install odp-sdk

Example from Examples

from odp.client import OdpClient
from odp.dto import ResourceDto
from odp.client.dto.file_dto import FileMetadataDto

# export ODP_ACCESS_TOKEN=Bearer thisismyaccesstoken <-- Omit this to run interactive auth

client = OdpClient()

my_dataset = ResourceDto(
        "kind": "",
        "version": "v1alpha3",
        "metadata": {
            "name": "seahorses",
        "spec": DatasetSpec(
            storage_controller= "",
            storage_class= "",
            maintainer= {"contact": "Just Me <>"},  # <-- strict syntax here

# The dataset is created in the catalog.
my_dataset = client.catalog.create(my_dataset)

# Creating and uploading a file.
file_dto = client.raw.create_file(
    file_metadata_dto=FileMetadataDto(**{"name": "test.txt", "mime_type": "text/plain"}),
    contents=b"Hello, World!",
print("-------FILES IN DATASET--------")

for file in client.raw.list(my_dataset):

# Download file
client.raw.download_file(my_dataset, file_dto, "test.txt")

# Clean up
client.raw.delete_file(my_dataset, file_dto)
